长篇小说《草房子》出版于 1997 年,曹文轩担任编剧将小说改编为同名电影。小说于 2000 年 5 月获第四届全国优秀儿童文学奖及第五届宋庆龄儿童文学奖小说类金奖,同年电影《草房子》获得第十四届德黑兰国际电影节评审团特别大奖“金蝴蝶奖”。
Grass House was published in 1997 and received the Fourth National Award for Excellent Children’s Literature and the gold award for the fiction category of the Fifth Soong Ching Ling Children’s Literature Award in May 2000. Cao Wenxuan adapted the novel for the movie “Thatched Memories”, which received “Golden Butterfly Award”, the Grand Prize of the Jury, in 2000 the fourteenth Tehran International Film Festival.
Almost every writer will at some point write about his or her childhood. Cao Wenxuan is no exception. Reading Grass House, we are immersed in a romantic and tender atmosphere evocative of a fairytale. With his elegant style, Cao Wenxuan helps us recall our elementary school days from the distant past. Whilst we may not have experienced the life described in the novel, which seems ordinary on the surface but is in reality anything but simple, we surely can all identify with it. The innocent love story of teenagers caught between childhood and adulthood, Sang Sang’s unforgettable experience, the tragic and dignified struggle of an unfortunate boy with adversity, the self-respect shown by a handicapped boy, all these mini dramas are played out in this grass house of moderate dimensions and move us to tears.
Grass House is composed in an elegant style and exudes beauty throughout. It features a humorous and solemn narrative, a unique and creative structure and an intricate and enlightening plot. A deep sense of compassion pervades the whole book, which is deeply moving and well worth cherishing in today’s world, where people increasingly drift away from one another and emotions constantly cool off. The whole story is told in a lucid and smooth manner while conveying deep insight into life. This is the sort of book that both children and adults will enjoy reading.
Author Profile
曹文轩,1954 年 1 月出生于江苏盐城,中国儿童文学作家,北京大学教授。
1979 年,曹文轩开始发表文学作品,其作品获奖颇丰。其中囊括宋庆龄文学奖金奖、冰心文学大奖、国家图书奖、金鸡奖最佳编剧奖、全国优秀儿童文学奖等。2016 年 4 月 4 日,曹文轩摘得国际儿童读物联盟(IBBY)2016 年度“国际安徒生奖”,这是中国作家首次获此殊荣。
Cao Wenxuan was born in January 1954 in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. He is a children literature writer and a professor at Peking University.
His main works include collections such as The Melancholy Countryside, The Red Calabash, The Rose Valley, In Pursuit of Eternity, The Triangular Land and etc., as well as novels such as Goats Do Not Eat Heaven Grass, Grass House, The Red Tile, The Bird, The Thin Rice, Bronze and Sunflower and etc. Many of his novels, Red Tile, Black Tile, and Grass House for example, and some of his short stories have been translated and published in English, French, Japanese, Korean, etc.
Cao Wenxuan began to publish in 1979. He has since received many awards, such as Soong Ching Ling Children’s Literature Award, Bing Xin Literature Award, National Book Award, Golden Rooster Award for Best Screenplay, National Award for Excellent Children’s Literature, etc. On the 4th of April 2016, he received the 2016 Hans Christian Andersen Award for children’s writing, from the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), making him the first Chinese winner.
Cao Wenxuan boasts a style of freshness, precision, lightness and humor. He never labels or stereotypes the characters in his works in a superficial manner. The readers are deeply worried about the destiny of the protagonists in his works, one moment, and cannot help smiling or bursting out laughing the next moment, much amused by his clever and poignant sense of humor. Writing in a fresh style and using language of particular aesthetic value, he manages to seamlessly incorporate the local flavors of where his stories are set into his works, as well as reflecting the traits of the times and culture his protagonists live in. Seemingly effortlessly, he manages to create a host of characters from children’s perspectives that are vivid, true to life, full of sympathy and humanity, leaving on the minds of the young readers a deep impression of aesthetic and humanistic values.
——Mr. Zhang Mingzhou, Member of the Executive Committee of the International Board on Books for Young People, General Manager in Charge of International Co-operation at China Children’s Press & Publication Group
Grass House unfolds around the unforgettable six-year elementary school life of Sang Sang. During those six years, he either witnesses or participates in a series of seemingly ordinary and yet deeply moving events: the pure and tender love between teenagers, the tragic and dignified struggle of an unfortunate boy in the face of adversity, the sparkle of humanity during the last moments of an old man’s life, the deep and beautiful epiphany on life in front of death, the elusive and poetic emotional entanglements among adults…All these are told through Sang Sang’s eyes in a lucid and yet obscure manner. During these six years, he receives elementary education on life itself.
Sang Sang is the son of Sang Qiao, principal of Youmadi Elementary School. The Sang family lives in a grass house on the campus.
The school complex consists exclusively of grass houses. More than ten grass houses are dotted all over the campus in a haphazard order, serving as classroom, office, teachers’ dorm, recreation room, warehouse, etc. In front of, behind and between these grass houses are one or two clusters of bamboo, two or three bushes of rose, a grove of canna in colorful bloom, or a simple grove of grass dotted with wild flowers. The campus is completely natural in its layout as if it has always been there and always looked like that. These grass houses, though not tall, are quite spacious under their wide roofs. This type of grass house is actually quite precious. It is built not with ordinary straw or wheat straw, but with cogon grass mown from the beaches three hundred miles away. Suffering from blustery sea wind and blazing sun, this type of cogon grass grows luxuriantly on the beach, each blade growing resilient, sparkling like copper wire in the sun and emitting metallic sounds in sea winds. Houses built with cogon grass will last forever. Prosperous families in this area all save to build such grass houses. The grass houses on the campus are built with cogon grass of particularly fine quality, much better than those used by the local families, and boast roofs thatched much thicker. As such, it is warm in winter and cool in summer inside these grass houses. Under the clear and serene sky in the countryside, these grass houses appear simple and unsophisticated. However, under the blazing sun, with the roofs sparkling, they look sumptuous and magnificent.
Sang Sang loves these grass houses as he studies and lives in them.
Through his life and activities inside and around these grass houses, Sang Sang displays his unique personality.
Sang Sang is somewhat different from other kids, not because he is the principal’s son, but because he is who he is.
Sang Sang has always been somewhat whimsical and prone to eccentric behavior. In one instance, it occurred to him that he lives in a comfortable house while his pigeons do not have comfortable nests – they have to sleep or hatch their brood in the holes in the wall. Sympathetic towards them, he decided to improve their lot. One day, while his parents were away, he asked A-Shu and Zhu Xiaogu, his pals, to come and join in his efforts. Removing the bowls and dishes from the cupboard and depositing them in the corner, they then begin to transform it with saw and axe into a pigeon cage according to their idea. The four legs and the glass door, deemed unnecessary, are sawn off and knocked out. The cupboard has four shelves, but each too high for a pigeon cage. So, using the planks stolen by A-Shu from his house, they divide each shelf into three compartments. Through transformation, the cupboard is ready to accommodate altogether twelve “pigeon families”. Sang Sang is proud of having made this contribution to the welfare of pigeons. He is moved by his own noble deed. When the glow of sunset tints the grass house and after much effort, the giant pigeon cage is securely hung on the wall. In the evening, looking at the mutilated cupboard hung high on the west wall, housing the pigeons, Sang Sang’s mother drags Sang Sang home, shuts the door and gives him a good-hiding. Sang Sang has a short memory, however. A little more than ten days later, he begins to act up again. One day, while playing by the river, he sees the fishermen pull in fish and shrimp in their nets and hopes to get a net himself. As none is available at home, he decides to make one himself.
Roving around, he suddenly spots the perfect material for a fishing net in the mosquito net over his parents’ bed. He pulls the mosquito net off and transforms it into a fishing net with a pair of scissors. Asking A-Shu to make the net frame with bamboo, they sail off fishing on the river in a boat normally used for tending to the ducks. People crowd the river banks to watch him and ask: “Sang Sang, what is the fishing net made of?” He answers: “A mosquito net”, while wondering what else he could have used instead. Hearing this, the folks burst out laughing. Ms. Wen Youju, his teacher, is worried and says: “Sang Sang, I’m afraid you will receive a sound beating again.” Sang Sang suddenly realizes the seriousness of the situation. However, under the interested gaze along the riverbanks, he remains absorbed in the pleasure and excitement of fishing…